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Category: Linux

Hier kommt alles rein, was mit Linux zu tun hat, was ich so selber erlebe.

Le jour 1 / Fosdem 03.02.2018 à Bruxelles (Ixelles)

Le jour 1 / Fosdem 03.02.2018 à Bruxelles (Ixelles)

Aujourd’hui je suis allé au Fosdem, le premier jour au Samedi. Le Fosdem est une manifestation du logiciel libre (Open Source). Ici se réunissent chaque an les développeur informatiques et informent de nouveaux développement dans l’opensource. La réunion est réparti dans quelque bâtiments universitaire. Il ne faut pas immatriculer et payer une entrée. Samedi le ciel avait été couvert, brumeux et il fait froide. Au contraire de mon aller hier j’avais voulu aller directement à l’université libre trouvant dans l’Avenue…

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Installation of an AUR Packages

Installation of an AUR Packages

Yesterday evening after work I was willing to install the first AUR-Package on my Arch Linux PC. These are packages that are outside of the normal Arch package repositories. With a special method you can integrate this kind of packages into your Arch Linux system. Of course you can do the normal compiling way: ./configure make sudo makeinstall But in this case you package manager (pacman) does not know this package and accordingly there are no updates. The starting point…

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Fedora 26: Filezilla 3.28 Bug

Fedora 26: Filezilla 3.28 Bug

Today I wanted to upload something with the program Filezilla 3.28 in Fedora 26 (Kernel 4.14.13-200) and see an error message: filezilla: symbol lookup error: filezilla: undefined symbol: _ZN2fz6threadC2Ev I have removed the program and installed, the error message is the same. Now I have read in the https://bugzilla.redhat.com and seen that this a bug in the program. It should be an installing to the version 3.30 but it is still in the testing repositories.

BIOS Display on my pc

BIOS Display on my pc

One of my pc that is standing the bedroom has a problem. No really but it is strange. After the installing of Arch Linux the Bios displays me all the data and can only start by pressing F1. But it does not always appears. I just have read that my battery could be empty. The error message: „cmos checksum bad“ seems that it is empty. On the mainboard there is a battery that controls the time in the BIOS.

Swimming in Düsseldorf-Unterrath

Swimming in Düsseldorf-Unterrath

After a hard (very busy) working day I went with my bike to the indoor swimming pool in Düsseldorf-Unterrath that is situated in the Mettlacher Street near quarter library.   It is a good choice to calm down after a nerve-racking day. At the moment there are a lot of calls and tickets. My decision for Unterrath was the proximity to my work. In the last year I was once with my former car there, now with my bike. Because…

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