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Tag: Fedora26

Arch Linux: The passing of the nvidia driver and installing of pdftk

Arch Linux: The passing of the nvidia driver and installing of pdftk

I have reported that I had problems with starting to the Xfce-Surface of my Arch Linux. In the international Arch Linux forum I have posed the issue with a big excerpt of my log files. Of course I have read so many articles in the Arch Linux wiki and other problems in the Arch Linux forum but for me I had not find something. After my return from the city centre where my bike (with a problem) is now parking…

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The interaction with Kernel and Nvidia not works

The interaction with Kernel and Nvidia not works

After updating to the new kernel in Arch Linux with the version the graphical surface cannot start. It seems that it is a general problem because during my investigation with Elinks or Lynx (these are browsers  for the command line) I have determined that other users have the same problem. In the log files of the Nvidia drivers there is a sentence that the installation with the current Kernel is invalid and that you should to „make oldconfig &&…

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Fedora 26: Filezilla 3.28 Bug

Fedora 26: Filezilla 3.28 Bug

Today I wanted to upload something with the program Filezilla 3.28 in Fedora 26 (Kernel 4.14.13-200) and see an error message: filezilla: symbol lookup error: filezilla: undefined symbol: _ZN2fz6threadC2Ev I have removed the program and installed, the error message is the same. Now I have read in the https://bugzilla.redhat.com and seen that this a bug in the program. It should be an installing to the version 3.30 but it is still in the testing repositories.

The embedding of media drives into Thunar (Arch Linux)

The embedding of media drives into Thunar (Arch Linux)

It’s a load off my mind. I can read finally media on my Arch Linux with Xfce 4.12 pc. After a very busy day in the IT-Helpdesk for solving problems with MS Windows 7 and Windows 10 I found the time for searching the problem in my new Arch Linux in order know why I cannot insert automatically a DVD / media in Thunar. Now I know it. You must install the programs thunar-volman gvfs udisks In the command-line you…

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2017 Jahresrückblick

2017 Jahresrückblick

Mein persönlicher Jahresrückblick fällt dieses Jahr recht gut aus. Ich bin immer noch in Arbeit. Das heißt, ich war kein einziges Mal arbeitslos. Das ist schon einmal etwas. Im letzten Jahr war ich zweimal arbeitslos, was dann doch an die Nerven zehrte. Vom Grundprinzip macht die Arbeit immer noch viel Spaß, von der Tätigkeit als solche ja. In 2017, genauer gesagt am 26.06.2017, habe ich mich von meinem Auto getrennt, das ich erst im November 2016 übernommen hatte. Ich wollte…

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