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Tag: Linux

Installation of an AUR Packages

Installation of an AUR Packages

Yesterday evening after work I was willing to install the first AUR-Package on my Arch Linux PC. These are packages that are outside of the normal Arch package repositories. With a special method you can integrate this kind of packages into your Arch Linux system. Of course you can do the normal compiling way: ./configure make sudo makeinstall But in this case you package manager (pacman) does not know this package and accordingly there are no updates. The starting point…

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The week is over

The week is over

The work week is over now. Now the weekend has begun and I’m happy. The week in the early shift was not so hard except this morning. This morning we had a lot of calls. It is the same volume as on Monday. Some times I think the most people work only on Monday and Friday or only on Monday or Friday the computers get in strike. Due to my early shift (finally, the next three weeks I don’t have…

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The embedding of media drives into Thunar (Arch Linux)

The embedding of media drives into Thunar (Arch Linux)

It’s a load off my mind. I can read finally media on my Arch Linux with Xfce 4.12 pc. After a very busy day in the IT-Helpdesk for solving problems with MS Windows 7 and Windows 10 I found the time for searching the problem in my new Arch Linux in order know why I cannot insert automatically a DVD / media in Thunar. Now I know it. You must install the programs thunar-volman gvfs udisks In the command-line you…

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PDF-Stapler (Fedora 26)

PDF-Stapler (Fedora 26)

In the past I was using the tool pdftk in the command-line in my time when I was using Ubuntu and openSUSE. With pdftk it is possible to merge pdf files to one pdf file. It was very useful for my job application. With pdftk *.pdf cat output x.pdf you can merge all your favoured pdf files in one folder to one file. In the last year I had changed to Fedora and Fedora does not support the pdftk. I…

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1. Advent 2017

1. Advent 2017

Heute ist der erste Advent, nur noch vier Wochen bis Weihnachten. Meine Wohnung schmücke ich seit einiger Zeit wieder, für mich alleine. Es ist aber nicht damit zu rechnen, dass ich vor Weihnachten noch Besuch erhalten werde und an den Festtagen werde ich es mir auch gemütlich machen. Es sind vier freie Tage, wobei am Samstag (23.12.2017) noch einmal die letzten Einkäufe getätigt werden. Ich soll doch nicht elendig verhungern und verdursten. Ich habe mir schon überlegt, was ich zu…

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