Arbeiten mit Open-Source-Software

Arbeiten mit Open-Source-Software

5,99 Euro, ca. 69 Seiten (ohne Werbung) auf Deutsch. Der Link zum E-Book auf Amazon.de Möchten Sie Linux noch besser kennenlernen und Ihre Fähigkeiten erweitern? Dieses E-Book richtet sich an PC-Anwender mit Grundkenntnissen in Linux, die tiefer in die Materie eintauchen möchten. Entdecken Sie die verborgenen Schätze der Kommandozeile! Lernen Sie, wie Sie wiederkehrende Aufgaben automatisieren, Zeit sparen und Ihre Produktivität steigern. Erfahren Sie, wie Sie die leistungsstarken Kommandozeilenfunktionen von LibreOffice nutzen, um große Mengen von Dokumenten effizient zu bearbeiten….

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Baldeney lake Essen in West-Germany

Baldeney lake Essen in West-Germany

Today I visited the Baldeney lake in Essen. History of the lake The lake was built between 1931 and 1933 in order to production of power. Yes, it is an artificial lake that dams the river Ruhr. The weir is on the West side of the lake. Here is also a lock and a fish pass. On the south side there was in the past a coal mine, the coal mine Pörtingsiepen and the Hespertalbahn, an old train line brought…

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Möhne lake in West-Germany

Möhne lake in West-Germany

The Möhne lake is in Germany in an area that is called Sauerland between the little towns of Soest and Arnsberg and the bis city of Dortmund in the east. It is a lake where you can swim in summer, making boat trips and hiking around the lake. In the south of the lake there is a tower that you can go on it and watch the lake and there are a lot of restaurants where you can eat and…

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Dortmund airport on 20.03.2025

Dortmund airport on 20.03.2025

On 20.03.2025 I was at the airport of Dortmund. This airport is on the east side of the Ruhr area (Ruhrgebiet) and it is a small one. General information The only runway has length about 2,000 meters. The main airline is Wizz Air that has now (data from March 2025) a lot of connections to East Europe. Ryanair will remove all connection from Dortmund on 29.03.2025 because Germany with a lot of taxes is too expensive to the airport. At…

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My video about my flights to Tallinn (Estonia)

My video about my flights to Tallinn (Estonia)

In 2023 I was in Estonia, in Tallinn (Tallinn is the capital of Estonia) and I flew with SAS (Scandinavian Airlines). I began my flight in Düsseldorf Airport (this is the nearest airport to my apartment) in Germany. Nearly every airport has two codes. One the three letter code of the IATA what you have already seen on your suitcase when you have checked in and the four letter code of the ICAO. For Düsseldorf it is IATA: DUS and…

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