Little tour without my car

Little tour without my car

On Sunday noon I wanted to go by tram (line 107) to the main station of Essen. Near main station there is the town library and I gave three books back. All books had the title with computer science but my shift-work plan will designate me that I can’t go to the library before and after work.  Before I will forget the books, I gave they back. One book costs 0,25 Euro per day penalty charge after the deadline.

Another reason was to go to Altendorf, where I was living 14 years. I wanted to check how the building operations at the Altendorfer Street at the tram station „Kronenberg“. In the past the administration needed to destroy an old supermarket (Real) for building new building. The new buildings serves as the redesign of the quarter Altendorf. Altendorf made a name for oneself as grubby because there are living a lot of foreigners and the quarter is notorious for drug trade.

I went to the train station of Essen-West near Altendorf in order to go back to the main station.

The weather was good, cloudy and sunny and a little bit warm. After shopping tour with the irritating car driver yesterday, I wanted to enjoy the tram ride.

Now it’s getting warmer and it increases my interests for go longer outside and take more pictures. In winter season I’m more at home and in spring, summer and autumn more outside.

In the end of March (26.03.2017) the changing of clocks will be and then the sun sets one hour later although the period of time is the same as now in winter.

The videos are made with my new camera.

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