Diaspora – a new beginning
I have started a new beginning with a new social network.
On April 2019 (there is no exact day) Google will close Google+, his social network. It has begun on June 2011 and I was at this time in Google+ (or a little bit later). I had not an Google account because my tablet came later.
But for three months Google announced that Google+ will close in August 2019. A few weeks later they told us that the social network will close even in April 2019.
Yes I was using Google+ every day (nearly). Unfortunately only one person I have met. It was in the beginning of Google+ and a German man from Málaga (South Spain). The other does not want to.
Even in 2011 or 2012 I heard about Diaspora but at this time it only was in beta stadium and I did not know whether the social network will start because there was no message in the news.
I forgot it a few years. But now after the decision of Google I have decided to change to it.
The login is a little bit different as in Google or Facebook. Diaspora is a network where the data is not saved on one server. There are a lot of servers – they are called Pods.
First you must select a pod. Here is an overview of the possible pods (server).
I have chosen pluspora – it is from a Spanish server.
Every offerer can offer a special service. If you have a WordPress blog. You can connect it with the main page. There is an icon on the right side (under services). Pluspora has a connection to Twitter and Tumblr.
Then you must think of an user name, the password and the current captcha. The user name you cannot change it.
After this you can log in and you can change your name. I use in social networks my real name but I see here are a lot of alias names.
In order that someone can find you, you type in a #hobby for example my hashtags are:
#weltraum, #gilmoregirls, #schwimmen etc…
On the left side of your overview you see your hashtags and if you want to have the newest information about your interest you only click on it. Then you see all the post that are connected. Every post should have a hashtag (an octothorpe).

My aspects are the circles, the connection to other people. You can add more aspects if you need it.

You can change your frame of the border. Normally it is in grey but there are other colours.
Attention: It is up to now an unknown social network. Perhaps it could change after the closing of Google+ but I think the most people go to MeWe.
The disadvantages are:
- you have no collections
- you have no communities.
- you cannot edit your commentary
For me it is an advantage that it is open-source and every open-source product has survived.
I can still open the 10 or 15 years old data files from Star Office in LibreOffice 6. Ok for a few months I have converted it to the current data file system.
Google+ will close for private use and all data files will deleted. Ok the most is saved in other Google applications (photos, drive etc..), Google+ is only a front-end for the direct communication.
I’m going to use Diaspora more and less Google+ because I want to gain more „friends“ there. Of course my current Google+ friends can come to me if they want. I get not angry about Google. Google is a company. Companies can decide what they want.
Yes, open-source programs can finish, too but in most cases the source code were transferred to a new project. Canonical has decided to stop Ubuntu Touch, the possibility to use Ubuntu on a smartphone. The developer has taken the source code and they develop the own Ubuntu touch, under the name UBports. OpenOffice was not develop, now the same code is in a new community the project is called LibreOffice.
In West-Germany there is a newspaper. They had an own community. They closed it after a few years.