Baldeney lake Essen in West-Germany

Today I visited the Baldeney lake in Essen.
History of the lake
The lake was built between 1931 and 1933 in order to production of power. Yes, it is an artificial lake that dams the river Ruhr. The weir is on the West side of the lake. Here is also a lock and a fish pass.
On the south side there was in the past a coal mine, the coal mine Pörtingsiepen and the Hespertalbahn, an old train line brought the coal to the main railway line in Essen-Kupferdreh. Nowadays, the Hespertalbahn is a museum railway that only go in summer.
Near to the Hespertalbahn there is „Haus Scheppen“. It is a former fiefdom from the 14th century. Today it is a popular meeting point for the bikers.
The industrials Krupp
In the north you can see the Villa Hügel. It was built by Alfred Krupp (1812-1887) between 1870 and 1873, long before the lake Baldeney existed. It was the residential building of the industrial family Krupp. Krupp is in Germany a famous company and known about the production of steel. Yes, it has a disreputable rule from 1933 to 1945. For this reason, the fabrics were bombed by the allied in the World War II very often.
You can now visit the Villa Hügel if there is no official events from the coterie.
Free time at the Baldeney lake
On the bank of the Baldeney lake there was the open swimming pool Baldeney that was closed in 1984. It had two pools. After that there was the „Licht – und Luftbad“, Light and air pool that only had a lawn for sunbathing. After the opening of the seaside beach and after a long discussion, they opened a little area in the Baldeney lake where you can swim in summer.
From Easter to September there are sightseeing boats, that called „Weiße Flotte“, that go on the Baldeney Lake.

In the south of the lake there is the quarter Essen-Werden. Here is a little old town with the St. Ludgerus church. In the past, that was an abbey church. In 845 the abbot founded the monastery Essen. From here the today’s town of Essen was built. Of course, it was a long way and the Essen had another name as now.

How to go to lake Baldeney
From the north side you can reach with the local trains of S6 (Essen main station to Cologne Nippes) to the station Hügel or Werden.
The other possibilities are the bus line SB19 (Essen main station to Heiligenhaus or Wuppertal), 169 (Magarethenhöhe to Velbert city center), 180 (Essen-Kettig to Essen-Burgaltendorf), 190 (Hospital Ruhrlandkliniken to Essen-Werden)
From the east side you can take the local trains S9 (Haltern am See or Recklinghausen – Hagen/Westfalen) and RE49 (Wesel-Wuppertal), the bus lines 155 (Gelsenkirchen-Rotthausen to Essen-Kupferdreh), 153 (Essen-Heisingen to Essen-Kupferdreh), 177 (Essen-Steele to Essen-Kupferdreh).
Car drivers can follow the main road Bundesstraße B224 (Raesfeld – Velbert) and on the east side the freeway Bundesautobahn A44 to the exit Essen-Heisingen.
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