Arduino/Void Linux

Arduino/Void Linux

I just have ordered me the package „Codino“. It’s a box with an Arduino Uno and a lot of equipment, LED, cable and a breadboard and a manual. It has cost 89 Euro and it is offered by a German team.

I was attentive for a few weeks from a Youtube Video from a German who has presented this box and the function of an Arduino. Before it I knew as a matter of course from the Arduino and the Raspberry Pi but I didn’t know what I could use for.

After this video my ambition was great. It has looked easy and it has evoked my first steps with the Schuco electronic boxes what I had done very often in my childhood.

The Schuco electronic box was a breadboard with clips what you had to connect to the breadboard. With these clips you could clamp resistances, transistors, capacitors and so on. It was a big fun. In the course of time I had lost a of clips and the pleasure was gone.

For a few years I bought me a breadboard from the German company „Conrad electronic“ in order to do some experiments with the solar energy. But it was a very short joy. Somehow I loose sometimes the pleasure of do the experiments although I always want to do it.

Somehow is always someone who wants to talk me out of doing with electronic. There is no one who keeps me grounded. I know that a lot of people on my work does not believe that I could do this.

Perhaps it could be better that I find fast like-minded persons because the castigators are couching already.

Before I had ordered the Codino, I have bought me an old PS/2 keyboard for my pc’s by Reichelt Elektronik (a German distributor that has his head office in Sande, North Germany near Wilhelmshaven).  My bios cannot recognize USB-keyboard in the first steps after booting (in order to select in the boot menu of Grub2 the different entries). For archiving I have bought me Blu-ray dvd’s. 11 pieces (25 GB) for 11 euros. In the past I burned two Blu-rays and it it’s very helpful for archiving.

I do not nothing in the clout, only onto external drives and dvd’s.


For my netbook (little notebook, netbook is a usual German expression) I have downloaded Void Linux. It’s a rolling release. This means you install it once and you need not to deinstall for a new version. The famous Linux distribution is Arch Linux that uses this for a long time. But when you want to install Arch Linux, you must install everything besides the Linux kernel and the first things for the command order. Step by step you install for your operating system until the system is ready for a normal use. Normally it does an installer (in most cases a graphical installer or with the ncurses surface – the Midnight commander, VLC (cvlc for the Linux command line), Moc (Music on console) or some browser like Lynx or W3m or the calendar program calcurse).

Void Linux uses a lot of window managers. In this case I prefer Enlightenment. I hope they have the new version 0.22, too. It looks very nice to me.

The previous operating system Mageia 5 are updated until 12/31/2017. At the moment Mageia 6 is up to date.

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