Fedora 26 on the old hard drive
Now I have installed Fedora 26 on my hard drive.
But this time it was a hard way. I wanted to upgrade my disk space from 320 GB to 1 TB (with a new hard drive). My motherboard supports only SATA II and the hard drive is SATA III. I have built in the new hard drive instead of the old one into my pc case and connected to the motherboard.
First I wanted to install directly Fedora 27 from a netinstall CD. But the installation routine interrupted twice with different error messages while it wanted to install only the basic system. I was surprised. But now I think, this is due to the old disk. I have found an installation disk of a Linux magazine with Fedora 26 (64bit).
I have started the installation ran perfectly. After a reboot the pc had started very good to the surface, I could log into and did the updates from all packages. Instead of Kernel 4.11 the Kernel 4.13-16 was installed and so many other things.

After this reboot the pc could not boot. First I have seen the logo of Fedora (splash-screen) and then it has changed into the normal view where you see all status messages from the pc (what it has started). The pc stopped at „Starting Host name“ and showed me the error message:
ata 3.00 status DRDY ERR and
ata 3.00 error ICRC ABRT
The error search has begun and I have seen that this a „normal“ problem. I wanted to set up in
the order: libata noapci=1
but it has not worked under a live-cd and in the midnight commander that I have installed (Yes, I know the live cd is only in the ram but for the moment it was sufficient, I only wanted to change a file in the boot sector of the kernel).
But it has not worked.
Another workaround could to change the cable (the physical cable which is connected to the motherboard). I use in this pc a Serial ata 6g 26AWG Dingsheng cable (Sata II) cable.
I have changed it with another Sata II cable (serial ATA 28awg vega tech) from another pc at home. But with the other cable the motherboard could not find my hard drive.
I have plugged in the Serial ata 6g 26AWG Dingsheng cable in the other connections on the motherboard, but the error messages were gone but the pc stopped at „Starting (or started) Host name“.

Finally I have changed the new hard drive to my old hard drive and I have installed Fedora 26 via command-line. First you must type in:
sudo dnf install dnf-plugin-system-upgrade
sudo dnf system-upgrade download –releasever=26
the system fetches the new system informations for his system. The pc has installed more than 2200 new files that have an interoperability with Fedora 26.
This takes one hour and after that Fedora 26 could boot with the new kernel directly to the surface. In hindsight the netinstall route of Fedora 27 had had a problem with the hard drive connection to the motherboard.